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Microsoft planning second next-gen Xbox that’s more affordable

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We are all expecting a new console from Microsoft next year, but the most important aspect is that they are seemingly releasing a second one also. We should all prepare our Xbox cards because apparently they’re going to release all kinds of cool stuff and that you’re sure to be impressed with

The main Scarlett console is named Anaconda

The Anaconda is set to be very powerful and lots of new games are expected to be created around it. The most important aspect around this console is that it’llXbox Thumbnail take the next generation to new heights and will also push the boundaries in some really fun and interesting ways. However, the second console simply won’t be as powerful.

It will be named Lockhart and this console will target 1440p instead of 4k which is what the Scarlett is focused on. It’s still a great aspect and it will surely come with its fair share of benefits. The idea here is to constantly try and push the boundaries to make things more immersive and certainly a lot more appealing. And considering this, we might be able to expect something like that sooner rather than later.

Will it be cheaper?

Anaconda, the main console, we assume will be pretty expensive, and Lockhart will be much more affordable. We can expect Lockhart to still have a next generation CPU, which is amazing. And it might even have an SSD too. There are also rumors of a potential subscription system, but who knows if that will happen. Microsoft is expected to come out with Xbox bundles for Scarlett.

One thing is certain, preparing your Xbox cards to enjoy these new consoles will really pay off. The fact that there will be two Xbox consoles means that you’re sure to love at least one of them!

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