Er du fra Danmark og køber du film og musik på iTunes? Vidste du, at du kan spare en masse penge ved at bruge det amerikanske iTunes gavekort? Du kan spare mindst 73,00 kr pr. Film som James Bond Skyfall. Kig på billederne nedenfor for at sammenligne den amerikanske iTunes butik med den danske iTunes-butik.
Hvis du bor i Danmark og du vil købe et US iTunes gift card så er det ikke længere et problem takket være tjenesteydelser af Med en lang historie af iTunes-gavekort salg, herunder PSN og Xbox, har MyGiftCardSupply et betroet ry blandt sine kunder og venner til at levere ærlig service, hurtigt til din e-mail konto.
Køb et US iTunes gift card fra og spar en masse penge! Se nedenfor:
Spar penge!
Det Den danske iTunes Store sælger Skyfall for, er 169,00 kr, som konverterer til 26,49 dollar USD. Den amerikanske iTunes Store sælger Skyfall for 95,62 kr, som konverterer til 14,99 dollar USD!
Så hvordan kan jeg købe denne film til en lavere amerikanske rente? Nemt! Vi leverer amerikanske iTunes gavekort til din e-mail konto, gratis levering.
Hvorfor købe dine US iTunes cards fra os?
Alle vores US iTunes gift card købes på detailvirksomheder, såsom Best Buy, Target, eller Wal-Mart. Der er ingen grund til at bekymre sig om stjålne eller falske gavekort, som du til tider kan få fra andre websites eller eBay.
Du vil finde denne besparelse med alle typer af film, musik og tv-udsendelser. Der er også musik og film i US iTunes Store, som der ellers ikke findes i Den danske iTunes Store.
Sådan køber du: US iTunes Gift Cards
Hvis du er interesseret i at købe et US iTunes gift card fra MyGiftCardSupply, følg linket nedenfor for at komme til købssiden, hvor du kan foretage din betaling og modtage digital levering. Vi accepterer alle større kreditkort og PayPal.
Buy an iTunes Gift Card Now
MyGiftCardSupply is the top supplier for iTunes gift cards online.
With your US iTunes Gift Card, you unlock full access to all of the United States iTunes catalog including iTunes music, apps, movies, books and more. No longer wait for your favorite movies or albums to be released. Download directly to your device and enjoy your content immediately.
Before the Apple gift card arrived, there were two types of cards: an iTunes gift card and an Apple gift card.
iTunes gift cards were used for ‌‌App Store‌‌, iTunes Store, and iCloud storage purchases, and ‌‌Apple Store‌‌ gift cards were used for buying goods at Apple's online and brick-and-mortar retail stores.
Now, you can use this US iTunes gift card (also known as an Apple Store gift card) to buy everything Apple!
Yes, this is a common and convenient way to pay for streaming services which require US payment credentials. With a US iTunes Gift Card you can activate streaming subscriptions at websites like Hulu, Netflix, HBO Max, Spotify, Disney+ and many more.
Some of these services will require the use of a VPN as well.
This is a US iTunes Gift Card, so you will need to make sure you have a US iTunes account registered. If your iTunes account is registered to a different country, you will need to create a US iTunes account.
Your US Apple Gift Card will be digitally delivered, via web link, after the completion of your order.
In the case of some orders, to fight against payment fraud, we may need to send a request to verify your payment details with the upload of an identification card. If you get this request, this is a one-time request, and will make placing future orders much faster.
Our typical processing time for a US Apple Gift Card is 1-3 minutes.
Sending a US Apple Gift Card to a friend, instantly or scheduling for a specific delivery in the future, is fast and easy.
Next to the Add to Cart button at the top of the page is a "Gift" button. When you click on that you will be prompted to enter the gift recipient's name and email for delivery, along with an optional gift message. Here you can also choose to send your gift instantly or schedule it as a specific time to be delivered.
In the case of an underpayment, the system will detect this and allow you to send a second payment for the difference and complete your order.
In the case of an overpayment, we will issue you a refund for the overpayment amount, less any conversion and transactions fees. (This works out to be around 5% on average.)
Everything you need to redeem a US Apple Gift Card will be provided upon delivery, and can also be found on this page. If you follow these redeem instructions you should have no problems redeeming your gift card.
If in the case there is an issue and you are receiving an error when you try to redeem, please open an online support ticket and include your order number along with a screenshot so we can see the exact error message.
We are here to help ensure this is an easy process for you! We have a dedicated support team which is available 16 hours per day to help you with any issues you might be having with placing an order or with a US Apple Gift Card order you've already placed.
You can open a support ticket using our support form and we will respond to your request right away. If you are an existing customer, please provide your order number or email address associated with your order to help us assist you faster.
Meet the owner
Greetings! I started this website in 2012 to help people from outside the United States purchase exclusive US music, movies, and other content easier. It has been our goal since the beginning to create an easy shopping experience, and world-class customer service.
We accept customers from all over the world, so please enjoy our services. If you have any questions feel free to use the contact feature found in the bottom right corner of this page. Thanks for shopping!
Buy an iTunes Gift Card Now
MyGiftCardSupply is the top supplier for iTunes gift cards online.