We apologize for the inconvenience, but to ensure the safety of our customers we need you to verify your account using your ID. It's easy and only takes about 45 seconds.
Using the camera on your computer or phone, take a photo of your ID (front and back) and your face (selfie). Once you are verified your account will be approved, and ID verification will never be required of you again.
Here are some guidelines when submitting your ID verification:
- Make sure the text on front and back of your ID is clear and legible.
- Take a live selfie using your webcam or phone. Do not upload an old image of yourself.
- Make sure the ID you are submitting is a government-issued ID such as a passport, national ID card, or a driver's license.
- To produce the best image possible, use your phone instead of your computer, and take the photos in a room with good lighting.
Tip: The verification process will be faster and smoother if you write your MyGiftCardSupply order number on a piece of paper and hold it in view while taking your selfie.