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iTunes Customer of the Week – Marcel

This week, we are featuring Marcel from Dubai! We sent him some questions to learn a bit about what he loves most about iTunes, and how he’s using our iTunes cards.
How old are you, and where are you located? 
I’m 47, and live in Dubai – UAE
Tell us something special or unique about where you live, or why you like it? 
Love the weather and the people. It’s pretty unique because it’s so open considering it being an Islamic country. Everything is possible in Dubai.
What is your favorite product
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iTunes Customer of the Week – Ala’a

For the first week in August, we are featuring Ala’a from Jordan! We sent him some questions to learn a bit about what he loves most about iTunes, and how he’s using our iTunes cards.
How old are you, and where are you located? 
I’m 35, and live in Jordan.
Tell us something special or unique about where you live, or why you like it? 
Petra is in Jordan, which is one of the 7 wonders of the world.
What is your favorite product you have purchased on iTunes, and why?
PUBG season passes, to
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Appreciate your teachers with ITunes Gift Cards Instant Email Delivery

Remember how children used to give their teachers an apple and a handmade card to show how much they appreciate them? Well those days are long gone and it’s time to STEP YOUR GAME UP!

If you still want to show your appreciation to someone who imparts knowledge to you, how about giving a different kind of “apple?” See what we did there? How about giving them iTunes gift cards, which will allow them to purchase everything from music, to videos, to books, to apps that they can download to their
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