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A Customer’s Report: Daniel’s Life in Singapore

Daniel - MyGiftCardSupply customer

Hey all! I am Daniel. I live in Singapore, and I have been asked by Sam at MyGiftCardSupply to share a little bit about my experience living here, how I use US iTunes gift cards, and what I do for fun.

First of all, I haven’t always lived in Singapore. I was actually born in a small town in Germany, but I moved here when I was 5 years old. My father had a job offer working in the financial district and we relocated with my two siblings.

Since I was young, I found myself building friendships around video games. After school, my friends would come over to my house and we would play our favorite video games. My earliest memory was a game called Battle Toads on I believe Sega Genesis.

My first big purchase in video games was purchasing a PlayStation 2. My father went to the US on a business trip and brought one back with him, including a copy of Grand Theft Auto which was the hot game that year. It blew us away how different and amazing this game was from any other game we had played previously.

Nowadays, most of my gaming is done on an Xbox, or on an iOS device. I have an iPhone 8 and an iPad. Clash of Clans is the game I spend the most time in. I have make a small profit from building up a village to a certain point then selling it on eBay. It usually takes me about 4-6 weeks to build up a village and I can sell it for around $200-300 USD. I use a few different methods to build quickly, including using a US iTunes gift card to buy gems and expedite time it would normally take.

When I am not gaming, I enjoy going to movies and riding my bike. One amazing thing about Singapore is how incredibly safe the community is here. It is also very clean. I forget this sometimes, but when I travel outside Singapore I realize how other countries do not have the same laws and culture around picking up your trash.

I am currently attending university and studying business administration. I want to go into business for myself, or work for a progressive company that strives to do things differently.

I’ve always had an interest in business, and building systems around a profitable product. I guess in some ways, I am already doing that by buying US iTunes cards and turning them into established Clash of Clans villages and making a profit.

I also appreciate there are many different angles with business. There is always something new and exciting to focus on. Sales, marketing, finance, social presence; there’s just no end to it!

I think MyGiftCardSupply does a great job at what they do. Anytime I have an issue, their customer service is excellent and we get any issues resolved quickly. I know they are located in the United States, but I can order a gift card at any hour of the day and it comes to my inbox within a few minutes, and often times instantly.

I’ve told many people about their service, and I continue to be a loyal customer to them after many years of doing business. I need them for my business, and I guess they need me for theirs.

Thank you for an amazing service, and allowing me to make money and build a business of my own off your service!

Singapore Flag for iTunes Customer

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